Why don't they use PostgreSQL for all the environments? To use PostgreSQL in development environment, it is as simple as just adding the "-d postgresql" parameter when creating a new Rails project.
$ rails new myapp -d postgresql
I am writing this because when I was going further after the Rails Tutorial, I just wanted to add Comments and Articles models for a message board, some of the database migration codes that worked well in Sqlite but they do not work in Heroku's PostgreSQL.
For example, in db/migrate/20170812232746_add_user_ref_to_articles.rb
# This line works in Sqlite development enviroment
# This line does not work in Heroku's PostgreSQL production environment
add_index :articles, [:user_id, :created_at]
So, I decided to switch from Sqlite database to PostgreSQL database in my Linux development environment. Approximately, this was what I did for the switching of the database.
In project: myapp_postgres
* I created a new Rails project that uses PostgreSQL:
$ cd ror
$ rails new myapp_postgres -d postgresql
* I made sure that I could create the PostgreSQL database and started the Rails server.
$ cd myapp_postgres
$ rake db:create
$ rails s -b -p 3000
* I went "Turbo Speed" for the Chapter 2 of Rails Tutorial. I did NOT change the Gemfile of myapp_postgres project. And I did NOT change database.yml.
* I initialized a local Git repository, added all files, committed the changes, added remote Github URL, and pushed it onto Github.
$ git init* I created the "hello" action, committed the changes, created an Heroku project and pushed it onto Heroku.
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Initialize repository"
$ git remote add origin https://github.com/jimmy2046/myapp_postgres.git
$ git push -u origin --all
$ git commit -am "Add hello"
$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
* I generated the scaffold for User and made sure the database migration command worked.
$ rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string* I generated the scaffold for Micropost.
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails generate scaffold Micropost content:text user_id:integer* Using Firefox, I tried to add a new user and added a new micropost in order to make sure the local PostgreSQL database was working properly in development environment.
$ rails db:migrate
* At the end of Chapter 2, I added all untracked files, committed the changes, and pushed project myapp_postgres onto Github.
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Finish toy app"
$ git push
* At the same time, I pushed myapp_postgres to Heroku and ran database migration for Heroku production.
$ git push heroku
$ heroku run rails db:migrate
* At that time, I had a new PostgreSQL database project called myapp_postgres with configurations and settings for Heroku PostgreSQL deployment.
In project: myapp2
* After that, I went back to myapp2 project. I changed the the directory myapp2 and checked out a new branch called: "attempt-switch-to-postgresql".$ cd ~/myapp2
$ git checkout -b attempt-switch-to-postgresql
* In myapp2, I made a backup copy of the database.yml file. And then, I copied and pasted the database.yml file, that I got from myapp_postgres using "$ rails new myapp_postgres -d postgresql" to myapp2.
# PostgreSQL. Versions 9.1 and up are supported.
# Install the pg driver:
# gem install pg
# On OS X with Homebrew:
# gem install pg -- --with-pg-config=/usr/local/bin/pg_config
# On OS X with MacPorts:
# gem install pg -- --with-pg-config=/opt/local/lib/postgresql84/bin/pg_config
# On Windows:
# gem install pg
# Choose the win32 build.
# Install PostgreSQL and put its /bin directory on your path.
# Configure Using Gemfile
# gem 'pg'
default: &default
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
# For details on connection pooling, see Rails configuration guide
# http://guides.rubyonrails.org/configuring.html#database-pooling
pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %>
<<: *default
database: myapp_postgres_development
# The specified database role being used to connect to postgres.
# To create additional roles in postgres see `$ createuser --help`.
# When left blank, postgres will use the default role. This is
# the same name as the operating system user that initialized the database.
#username: myapp_postgres
# The password associated with the postgres role (username).
# Connect on a TCP socket. Omitted by default since the client uses a
# domain socket that doesn't need configuration. Windows does not have
# domain sockets, so uncomment these lines.
#host: localhost
# The TCP port the server listens on. Defaults to 5432.
# If your server runs on a different port number, change accordingly.
#port: 5432
# Schema search path. The server defaults to $user,public
#schema_search_path: myapp,sharedapp,public
# Minimum log levels, in increasing order:
# debug5, debug4, debug3, debug2, debug1,
# log, notice, warning, error, fatal, and panic
# Defaults to warning.
#min_messages: notice
# Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and
# re-generated from your development database when you run "rake".
# Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
<<: *default
database: myapp_postgres_test
# As with config/secrets.yml, you never want to store sensitive information,
# like your database password, in your source code. If your source code is
# ever seen by anyone, they now have access to your database.
# Instead, provide the password as a unix environment variable when you boot
# the app. Read http://guides.rubyonrails.org/configuring.html#configuring-a-database
# for a full rundown on how to provide these environment variables in a
# production deployment.
# On Heroku and other platform providers, you may have a full connection URL
# available as an environment variable. For example:
# DATABASE_URL="postgres://myuser:mypass@localhost/somedatabase"
# You can use this database configuration with:
# production:
# url: <%= ENV['DATABASE_URL'] %>
<<: *default
database: myapp_postgres_production
username: myapp_postgres
* In Gemfile, I put gem 'pg', '0.18.4' on the top section. That meant Rails would use PostgreSQL for all Development, Testing and Production environments. I put a remark comment for gem 'sqlite3', '1.3.13' in development group, and I commented out the gem 'pg', '0.18.4' in Production group.
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'rails', '5.1.2'
gem 'bcrypt', '3.1.11'
gem 'faker', '1.7.3'
gem 'carrierwave', '1.1.0'
gem 'mini_magick', '4.7.0'
gem 'fog', '1.40.0'
gem 'will_paginate', '3.1.5'
gem 'bootstrap-will_paginate', '1.0.0'
gem 'bootstrap-sass', '3.3.7'
gem 'puma', '3.9.1'
gem 'sass-rails', '5.0.6'
gem 'uglifier', '3.2.0'
gem 'coffee-rails', '4.2.2'
gem 'jquery-rails', '4.3.1'
gem 'turbolinks', '5.0.1'
gem 'jbuilder', '2.7.0'
gem 'pg', '0.18.4'
group :development, :test do
# gem 'sqlite3', '1.3.13'
gem 'byebug', '9.0.6', platform: :mri
group :development do
gem 'web-console', '3.5.1'
gem 'listen', '3.0.8'
gem 'spring', '2.0.2'
gem 'spring-watcher-listen', '2.0.1'
group :test do
gem 'rails-controller-testing', '1.0.2'
gem 'minitest-reporters', '1.1.14'
gem 'guard', '2.13.0'
gem 'guard-minitest', '2.4.4'
group :production do
# gem 'pg', '0.18.4'end
# Windows does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem
gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw, :jruby]
* Then, I ran bundle update.
$ bundle update
* And the, I restarted the my local Rails server.
Ctrl + C
$ rails s -b -p 3000
* In local Linux development environment, I attempted to drop the database, created a new one. But, I was stuck during database migration.
$ rake db:drop db:create db:migrate
* It took me some time for my debug skill. Afterwards, I figured out that the add_index for user_id code worked well in Sqlite but not in PostgreSQL. So, I commented out the add_index line for model Articles and model Comments.
class AddUserRefToArticles < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]Similarly,
def change
add_reference :articles, :user, foreign_key: true
# add_index :articles, [:user_id, :created_at]
class AddUserToComments < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
def change
add_reference :comments, :user, foreign_key: true
# add_index :comments, [:user_id, :created_at]
* After I had commented out the add_index to the database, I ran database migration again. The migration was successful.
$ rails db:migrate
* Then, I seeded the database.
$ rails db:seed
* Then, I deleted the old Sqlite database file in myapp2/db directory.
deleted: test.sqlite3
deleted: development.sqlite3
* Finally, I pushed the changes to Github and deployed to Heroku.
$ rails test
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Changed to PostgreSQL in Development Env"
$ git checkout master
$ git merge attempt-switch-to-postgresql
$ git push
$ git push heroku
$ heroku pg:reset DATABASE
$ heroku run rails db:migrate
$ heroku run rails db:seed
* My Gihub URL is: https://github.com/jimmy2046/myapp2/commit/8a00ad4b549feb43cc832727c4701f6291e48334
* My Heroku URL is: https://vast-mesa-46380.herokuapp.com/articles?class=nav-link
Reference websites:
How to change your Rails app database from SQLite to PostgreSQL before deploying to Herokuhttps://medium.com/@helenflam/how-to-change-your-rails-app-database-from-sqlite-to-postgresql-before-deploying-to-heroku-ae2acc25c7ac
Change from SQLite to PostgreSQL in a fresh Rails project
It is nice blog Thank you porovide importent information and i am searching for same information to save my time.Ruby on Rails Online Training Hyderabad
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